An Introduction to Knots, Splices and Rope

Why Knot? an introduction to knots, splices & rope is an instructional knot tying DVD that is perfect for learning on your own or for use while teaching a group. Practice along with the video then pause to check your knot.
Why Knot? takes the innovative approach of showing how the knots and splices are tied from the perspective of the person actually tying the knot or creating the splices. Once you know how to tie the knot, you will then see the knot in its “natural habitat” -- Real People using Real Knots. It is interesting to know how to tie a knot, it's EXCITING to know when to use the knot.
Why Knot? contains 34 minutes of bonus material, Spanish language option, and great navigation control.
In this 2 hour knot tying DVD you will learn 47 knots and 6 splices with the added feature of learning which knot is the “best” knot for a specific job. It is important to use the right knot for the job because sometimes if the knot comes untied, it may not be just inconvenient or mildly annoying, it may be downright dangerous.

Why Knot? How about for:
- Rock climbing
- Sailing
- Horseback riding
- Tying your neckties
- Camping
- A host of other reasons
Who would benefit from this knot tying video?
- Pathfinders
- Scouts
- Military Personnel
- Campers
- Backpackers
- Rock Climbers & Rapellers
- Sailors
- Equestrians
In addition to knots and splices, you will learn many things about rope and rope making.
All this plus great bonus material.